For terms of usages TPD database click here
Description Caliber Turns Direct Turns Per Day
Movements Only UN-10 CW 650-800
UN-11 CW 650-800
UN-12 CW 650-800
UN-13 Both 850
UN-14 CW 800
UN-15 Both 850
UN-16 CW 800
UN-18 CW 800
UN-20 Both 850
UN-22 Both 850
UN-23 Both 850
UN-24 Both 650-850
UN-25 Both 850
UN-26 Both 850
UN-27 Both 850
UN-32 Both 850
UN-33 (TBD) Both 650-950
UN-33 (TBD) CCW 800-1100
UN-34 Both 850
UN-35 Both 850
UN-36 Both 650-850
UN-43 Both 850
UN-51 Both 650-850
UN-56 Both 650-850
UN-57 / 58 / 59 CW 800
UN-60 (TBD) CW 800-950
UN-60 (TBD) Both 850
UN-66 Both 650
UN-67 Both 650-850
UN-75 (TBD) Both 650
UN-75 (TBD) CW 800
UN-76 Both 650
UN-80 Both 650
UN-87 Both 650
UN-97 Both 850
UN-106 Both 650-950
UN-160 Uni 650-950
UN-800 CW 800
UN-810 Both 850
Acqua 24 (254-26) UN-25 Both 850
Acqua Perpetual UN-33 (TBD) CCW 800-950
Anniversary 160 UN-160 Uni 650-950
Astrolabium  G. Galilei UN-97 Both 850
BDU Chronometer UN-23 Both 850
Berlin 1 + 1 UN-57 / 58 / 59 CW 800
Black Ocean Ltd Ed. UN-26 Both 850
Black Surf Ltd. Ed. UN-26 Both 850
Blue Max Ltd Ed. UN-26 Both 850
Blue Seal Ltd. Ed. UN-35 Both 850
Blue Surf Ltd. Ed. UN-26 Both 850
Blue Wave Ltd. Ed. UN-26 Both 850
Caprice UN-13 Both 850
Classico UN-815 TBD TBD
Classico Gent UN-24 Both 650-850
Classico Lady UN-18 CW 800
Classico Lady UN-815 TBD TBD
Diver Perpetual Ltd. Ed. UN-33 (TBD) CCW 800-950
Dual Time 42mm UN-24 Both 650-850
Dual Time Ladies UN-22 Both 850
Dual Time Ladies w/Small Seconds UN-24 Both 650-850
El Toro UN-32 Both 850
Executive Dual Time UN-24 Both 650-850
GMT UN-22 Both 850
GMT +/- Big Date UN-22 / 23 Both 850
GMT +/- Perpetual Calendar UN-32 Both 850
GMT +/- Perpetual Calendar Ltd. Ed. UN-32 Both 850
Golden Dream UN-810 Both 850
Hour Striker Erotica UN-76 Both 650
Hour Striker San Marco UN-76 Both 650
Kremlin Set UN-13 Both 850
Lady Diver UN-810 Both 850
Lady Diver Starry Night UN-810 Both 850
Macho Palladium  950 UN-27 Both 850
Marine Annual Calendar UN-51 Both 650-800
Marine Annual Chronograph UN-51 Both 650-800
Marine Chronograph UN-35 Both 850
Marine Chronograph 38mm UN-36 Both 650
Marine Chronograph 40mm UN-35 Both 850
Marine Chronograph UN-75 CW 800
Marine Chronometer UN-34 Both 850
Marine Chronometer 1846*** UN-26 Both 850
Marine Diver Chronometer*** UN-26 Both 850
Marine Perpetual Ltd. Ed. UN-33 (TBD) CCW 800-950
Maxi Chronometer Anniversary 160 UN-26 Both 850
Maxi Marine Chronograph UN-35 Both 850
Maxi Marine Chronometer 41mm UN-26 Both 850
Maxi Marine Chronometer 43mm UN-26 Both 850
Maxi Marine Diver UN-26 Both 850
Maxi Marine Diver Chronograph UN-800 CW 800
Maxi Marine Diver Ltd. Ed. UN-26 Both 850
Maxi Marine Diver Titanium UN-26 Both 850
Maxi Skeleton UN-30 TBD TBD
Maxi Skeleton UN-31 TBD TBD
Maxi Skeleton UN-300 TBD TBD
Michelangelo Big Date UN-22 / 23 / 26 Both 850
Michelangelo Chronograph UN-56 Both 650-800
Michelangelo Gigante Chronometer UN-27 Both 850
Michelangelo Gigante Chronometer Ltd. Ed. UN-27 Both 850
Michelangelo Gigante UTC Dual Time UN-22 Both 850
Michelangelo Gigante UTC Dual Time Ltd. Ed. UN-22 Both 850
Michelangelo Lady UN-10 CW 650-800
Michelangelo Midsize UN-11 CW 650-800
Michelangelo Moonphase UN-16 CW 800
Michelangelo UTC UN-22 Both 850
Michelangelo UTC Dual Time UN-22 Both 850
Monaco Yacht Show UN-26 Both 850
Moonstruck UN-106 Both 650-950
Newton (151-22/23) UN-15 Both 850
Nina - Marine Chronometer 1846*** UN-26 Both 850
Perpetual Acqua UN-33 CCW 800-950
Perpetual Ludwig UN-33 CCW 800-950
Perpetual Ludwig Ltd Ed UN-33 CCW 800-950
Pinta - Marine Diver 1846*** UN-26 Both 850
Planetarium  Copernicus UN-80 Both 650
Quadrato Dual Time UN-24 Both 650-850
Quadrato Dual Time Perpetual UN-32 Both 850
San Marco Alarm UN-60 Movt. CW, Buzzer CCW CW 950
San Marco Big Date UN-34 /35 Both 850
San Marco Big Date LE UN-34 /35 Both 850
San Marco Chronograph UN-43 Both 850
San Marco Chronometer UN-13 Both 850
San Marco Cloisonné UN-13 Both 850
San Marco Cloisonné - Achille UN-13 Both 850
San Marco Cloisonné - Frigate Shtandart UN-13 Both 850
San Marco Cloisonné - Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest UN-13 Both 850
San Marco Cloisonné - St. Basil Red Square UN-13 Both 850
San Marco Gigante UN-27 Both 850
San Marco GMT UN-20 Both 850
San Marco Lady UN-12 Both 650-800
Santa Maria - Annual Calendar Chronograph UN -51 Both 650-800
Skeleton (w/cover) UN-14 CW 800
Sonata UN-66 Both 650-850
Sonata Cathedral Dual Time UN-67 Both 650-850
Sonata Silicium TBD Both 650-850
Spasskaya Tower UN-26 Both 850
St-Cyr UN-20 Both 850
Super Yacht Club UN-26 Both 850
Tellurium J. Kepler Limited UN-87 Both 650
The Imperial St.-Petersburg UN-26 Both 850
Ulysse I UN-27 Both 850
Ulysse I Ltd. Ed. UN-27 Both 850